
Welcome to the Sydney Travel and Health Study.

This study is being conducted by researchers from the University of Sydney.  We are interested in how we move about our city and how that changes over time and its influence on health and wellbeing. 

What is involved?

If you agree to take part, we will ask you to participate in a short survey about you, your travel, and your health and wellbeing. 

The survey should take around 10-15 minutes to complete.

In order for us to examine any changes over time, we would like to contact you again next year (and again in the following two years) to repeat the survey.

Before commencing the survey, please note the following:

  • Being in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at any point.
  • You have been invited to participate in this study because you live in a suburb where changes to the urban landscape may be occurring in the near future.
  • By providing your consent, you are agreeing to us collecting personal information about you for the purposes of this research study. We will ask you to provide your contact details so we can contact you next year. All information collected will be kept strictly confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes.

 You will find more detailed information on this page.

By giving your consent to take part in this study, you are telling us that you:

  • Understand what you have read.
  • Agree to take part in the research study as outlined.
  • Agree to the use of your personal information as described.

If you consent to this, please click on this link to proceed to the study.

If you require more information about the study please contact the Chief Investigators Prof Stephen Greaves on (02)9114 1835 or Stephen.greaves@sydney.edu.au or Dr Melanie Crane on (02)8627 1862 or melanie.crane@sydney.edu.au

For further information or reporting on human ethics please speak to Manager Human Ethics, phone 90369161 or email human.ethics@sydney.edu.au and quote ethics protocol number 2019/217.